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Peppermint Cookies – My Baking Addiction

You know what I really love about this time of year?

All the parties!

I see them as opportunities to bake and share loads of cookies.

I’m happy, the hosts are happy, and the guests certainly don’t seem to mind all the cookies, either.

One of my favorite flavors around Christmas is peppermint.

I’m not really into candy canes but peppermint extract?

I can’t get enough of it.

I recently posted these chocolate peppermint cookies but I wanted to make another version without the chocolate, basically as a carrier for cream cheese frosting.

Cookies are definitely my favorite holiday treat, especially when they’re covered in cream cheese frosting!

There’s just something about them that I can’t resist.

These cookies are delicious with just the cream cheese frosting but they’re admittedly not very festive looking.

So to top them off, I used chopped candy canes and Christmas sprinkles.

A little red or green food coloring in the frosting would also look nice!

The only thing is that if you add the candy canes or sprinkles while the frosting is still very soft, they’ll bleed.

To prevent that, just chill the frosted cookies for about 20 minutes before decorating.

I also tried out a mint chocolate ganache version for those of you who don’t like cream cheese.

As someone who would happily live off of cream cheese frosting, I much preferred that version, but the ganache alternative is tasty, too!

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Source: Peppermint Cookies – My Baking Addiction

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